Improve Your Scoring Chances With These Coach Shayne Jackson Drills!

February 01, 2024
Hockey coach Shayne Jackson wearing CCM hockey gear
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As any seasoned hockey player knows, the key to success on the ice lies in mastering the fundamentals. To help you sharpen your skills and take your game to the next level, renowned hockey coach Shayne Jackson is here to show off some of his favourite drills.


Shooting Drills: Power In Technique


First up, let's talk about one of the most exhilarating aspects of hockey—scoring goals. Shayne Jackson's shooting drills are a game-changer for players looking to enhance their accuracy and power. A set of hockey shooting targets make for a great training tool to follow along with, and can also be practiced on dryland with a hockey shooting pad. In the accompanying video, watch as Coach Jackson breaks down the mechanics of a perfect shot. His expert guidance and insightful tips will have you sniping corners in no time.



Grab your favourite hockey stick and hit the ice as we take a closer look at the art of shooting. Suited up with the dynamic release Nexus Eon Hockey Stick, as well as the Bauer Supreme Ignite Pro+ Hockey Gloves, he shows how you can never go wrong with some good Bauer gearPay close attention to Jackson's emphasis on weight transfer, follow-through, and the crucial role of the bottom hand. These are the building blocks for a lethal shot that will leave goalies guessing.


Stick Handling Drills: Dangle Like A Pro


Next on our agenda is stick handling—the finesse that sets elite players apart from the rest. Jackson's stick handling drills are like a masterclass in puck control. Lace up with the right hockey skates, as well as some hockey gloves, a stick, some obstacles, and train along with our second video, where he walks you through a series of exercises to improve your agility, dexterity, and overall puck-handling skills.



Watch closely as Coach Jackson demonstrates drills that focus on quick hands, tight turns, and the ability to maneuver through traffic. In this video, he's sporting some classic CCM gear, with the JetSpeed FT5 Pro Hockey Stick and the lightweight Tacks Classic SE Hockey Gloves. A great tool to practice your handles would be a Stick Handling Trainer to get those reps in as well. As Shayne guides you through the nuances of each movement, you'll begin to appreciate the subtleties that make the difference between a good player and a great one.


Trick Shot Tutorial: A Masterclass in Creativity


Now, for the pièce de résistance—the trickshot tutorial. Shayne Jackson's ability to execute jaw-dropping trick shots is legendary, and lucky for you, he's sharing his secrets. In our third video, Coach Jackson takes you step by step through an impressive trick shot, showcasing the creativity and skill that define elite-level players.



Another day, another UNREAL trickshot by Coach Shayne. Try this one out when you have some time to practice!


Incorporate these drills into your training regimen, and soon you'll find yourself executing plays with the finesse of a seasoned pro. Be sure to look out for the latest hockey training tools such as hockey passers, balance boards, synthetic ice tiles, and remember that when you're practicing, repetition is key. Hit the rink, practice hard, and let this be your guide to hockey greatness!

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